Episode 17-10 Our Favorite Fighting Games

What sport couldn't be improved by a Spinning Pile Driver? Or maybe just a handful of Dragon Punches? Baseball would certainly be more interesting. This week on the podcast we listen to music from our favorite fighting games! We cover everything from 2D to 3D, from the 90s all the way to today's baddest-brawlers. As a special treat, Rob gets extra nerdy about hip-hop samples! There's a fair amount of rapping in this episode, and this time not from Pernell! Enjoy the show!

Episode 17-9 Our Favorite RPGs

Pernell loves RPG games and starts more than he could ever finish, and Rob likes them okay. And that's okay! All this month we're being a little selfish and only looking at our favorite games within specific genres. Pernell's music gets heavy and stressful at times, while Rob's music picks are jazzy and are designed to keep you cool under pressure. Enjoy the selections!

Episode 17-8 The Return of Dragon Patreon Ninja

Two podcast hosts facing impossible odds, battle the group of ninjas known as The Patreon Dragon. Their only defense? Great music, singing, dancing, and video games!  Our show this week was recorded live for our Patreon members, and features music chosen by our listeners! Special thank you to: Cameron Werme, Chris Steenerson, Mixxmaster, Wicked Sephiroth, Souless Sanctuary, That Nick Walker, Ok Impala!, and Electricboogaloo.

Episode 17-7 Noriyuki Iwadare

Our podcast this week features only music composed by the prolific artist Noriyuki Iwadare! We find some great tracks in this episode, exploring not only his most famous games like Grandia and Langrisser, but also some interesting Japan-only titles on the PlayStation! Things go a little off the rails once we get into 90's-TV-sitcom-mode and Pernell finds his groove. Enjoy the music!

Episode 17-6 Villains with Cameron from The Mad Gear!

Villains are just plain terrible. Sometimes they're trying to end the world, sometimes they're turning woodland creatures into evil robots. But mostly all they want is to bring back swing music in the 90s, big brass bands and all. We have Cameron from The Mad Gear and joining us to sing along with these villainous hits, and think back fondly of all the bad guys who tried to destroy us.

Episode 17-5 Magical Adventures with Lame Genie!

Rob and Pernell travel across strange lands in search of musical adventure! Together they find magical cars, flying robots, and the fastest hedgehog alive. (which is 5 mph, btw). Joining this week for a brief interview/hang-sesh are the rockstar boys from video game music mega group Lame Genie!

Episode 17-4 Patreon Tea and Biscuits

This week's podcast features music so emotional, it drives Pernell into tears and Rob into song. We get serious about our pun-work, and get deep into the funk of the NBA! All tracks featured in the show this week were submissions by members of our Patreon! So we'd like to thank: Chris Schrenstrom, Chris Steenerson, Ok Impala!, Electricboogaloo, Wicked Sephiroth, and Morten Gangso, and That Nick Walker!. Thank you all so much!

Episode 17-3 Kingdom Hearts with Key Jay

Grab your zippers, chains, and Mickey Mouse hats! We are here to celebrate the release of Kingdom Hearts 3 with a super-special episode of Kingdom Hearts music! Superstar musician and Kingdom Hearts expert Key Jay is here to help us make sense of the story and timeline. If you listen closely, you can hear the point where are brains break!

Episode 17-2 Disney Games with XVGM Radio

Disney and video games go together like peanut butter and chocolate. And you've got to love the old-school Capcom disney games, but what about games outside of Capcom? What about games that aren't about specific characters or shows, but just "Princesses" who knows! Rob and Pernell are joined by Mike and Justin from XVGM Radio to take a deep dive into the world of Disney, music, and absolute silliness!

Episode 17-1 The Music of Ys with Chris Baines

It's Monday, and that means only one thing. FALCOM SOUND TEAM + VOLUME FULL BLAST! Be prepared for guitars, rock drums, violins, and the baddest synths of the 90s you've ever heard! The long running Ys series has some of the coolest music ever put to video games, and we're here to share the love, enjoy!