Episode 28-10 Martial Arts with Carlos

Karate! Judo! Kung-Fu! Shaq-Fu! Martial-arts and video-games go together like peanut-butter and chocolate, mostly! We're listening to games from the 16-bit generation that are focused on martial-arts, or have martial-arts focused characters! Joining us on the show this week is Carlos from the Heroes Three Podcast! Heroes Three is all about Asian-cinema and, you guessed it, martial-arts movies! Carlos brings with him a special quiz to play at home: Is this a real kung-fu movie? We have a great time chatting about action movies, cartoons, and of course video games! Check out the Heroes Three Podcast here! http://heroes3podcast.blogspot.com Find more Rhythm and Pixels https://rhythmandpixels.com Support the show! https://patreon.com/rhythmandpixels

Episode 28-9 Summer of 16-bit: Run’N’Gun

Ready for some serious JAMS? Get ready for some Schwarzenegger cross Stallone 16-bit action! That's right, we're listening to the most manly-manly of classic game genres: run and gun! There's a small debate as to what the genre is exactly, but there's one thing for sure: we will be running. And there might be some explosions! And breaking into song like out of a musical, the musical version of Predator am I right!? Find more of the show! https://rhythmandpixels.com Support the podcast! https://patreon.com/rhythmandpixels

Episode 28-7 Summer of 16-bit: Underappreciated Games

Have you ever mentioned a game you just loved to a group of friends only to discover they have no idea what you're talking about? Was it all just a dream, or maybe some kind of Inception situation? This week on the podcast we're talking about those games that went unnoticed in the 16-bit era. That's right! We're continuing our Summer of 16-bit celebration! Find more of the podcast! https://rhythmandpixels.com Support the show! https://patreon.com/rhythmandpixels

Episode 28-6 Summer of 16-bit: Sports

a great time. Pernell not so much! This episode is full of funky jams which cause sudden outbursts of singing and rapping that is sure to bring a tear to your eye. Tears of sadness-I mean ... LAUGHTER! Such fun! DO IT ROCKAPELLA! Find more of the show! https://rhythmandpixels Support the podcast! https://patreon.com/rhythmandpixels

Episode 28-5 The Summer of 16-bit: Platformer

dams songs. I REPEAT. Bryan Adams has nothing to do with the rise and fall of the 16-bit generation of video game consoles. Anyway. We're focusing on platformers this week and Rob wasn't super sure how the topic would go and Pernell cuts him some slack and you will too won't you! Let's go! Ohhh yyeeeahh! Find more of the podcast! https://rhythmandpixels.com Want to support the show and get access to exclusive content? https://patreon.com/rhythmandpixels

Episode 28-3 Your Summer Games

Summer is here! Time to forget about all your responsibilities and play those video games! We asked our listeners to remember those games they played all Summer long, or the games they're looking forward to this year. Lots of nostalgia, jokes, and great music! Find more of the podcast! https://rhythmandpixels.com Like what you're hearing? Help support the show and get exclusive content! https://patreon.com/rhythmandpixels

Episode 28-2 Antigravity Racing

We're leaving friction and gravity behind in this week's super fast podcast! Racing games always have some of the best music, but it gets even awesomer once you take away the wheels! Stay tuned for a smooth-jazz / progressive-techno filled bonus round at the end of the episode too! Find more of the podcast! https://rhythmandpixels.com Support the show! https://patreon.com/rhythmandpixels

Episode 28-1 Tom Salta

We are very excited to have famous game composer, producer, and artist Tom Salta on the show this week! Tom tells us all about his history in the music industry, how that influenced his move into video games, and some history around how some of the coolest games ever were scored! Learn more about Tom Salta at https://tomsalta.com Get $30 off his VGM masterclass by using our code PIXELS30! https://tomsalta.com/masterclass More of the podcast here! https://rhythmandpixels.com Support the show! https://patreon.com/rhythmandpixels